Hot, Hot, Hot

Well. Our air conditioning broke yesterday. And the heat index yesterday was 110 degrees. So, we spent some time with my mom, and then checked into a hotel. Then there was a bad storm, which freaked the dog out even more and knocked out the power for a bit (thankfully not long). And then they told us our air might not be fixed till Tuesday.

Thankfully, this situation could have been much worse. Thankfully, we have family close by and the option to stay in a hotel. I know not everyone else who doesn’t have air conditioning in this heat wave has as many options. It brings up some interesting issues of class, which I would expand on, but I’m typing this from my phone because this hotel requires us to pay for the Internet, and it’s hard to type much on my phone.

So, I’m putting this on the back burner for now, and it’s possible y’all may not hear from me again till Tuesday.

Stay cool, folks.

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