#MeMadeMay2017 – Week 3
I’m so close, you guys! I’m loving this challenge, and it is really helping me hone in on my personal style, as well as where the holes are in my handmade wardrobe where I need to make some pieces to fill in the gaps.
So far, I’m learning that I have a good mix of professional and casual clothes. Lots of the professional clothes I make are dresses, and that’s fine for me right now. I prefer to make tops and dresses and thrift my pants rather than spend the time making them. I’m also learning that I love sewing clothes with knits. They are so much more forgiving (and quicker) Than wovens, though I do have my eye on a drapey wrap dress when I find just the right lightweight fabric to make it in.
I’m also finding that I actually prefer to wear my handmade clothes over my ready-to-wear stuff. I’m not sure why this is – probably a combination of pride and how much I’ve learned about sizing and fit. There’s also something to be said for how shiny and new my handmade clothes are right now because, many of them, I’ve literally made the night before in order to have something to wear for this challenge that isn’t a complete repeat of the previous 48 hours.
So, here’s what I wore! (Descriptions of the pictures go from left to right on the top, then left to right on the bottom).
May 15 – These are the first two pictures in the grid. I wore my Hemlock Tee (FREE pattern from Grainline Studio) again, both because I like it and because I thought it went nicely with the jewelry Tim got me for Mother’s Day from WAR Chest Boutique. Also, Mother’s Day was the day before, and mama didn’t do any laundry. Whoops. Which also explains why Emily wore her elephant Geranium Shirt (pattern by Made By Rae) that I made for her last year and just barely fit this week. She loved it, though, so… whatever.
May 16 – This is my Rosa Top (pattern from See Kate Sew)! I made this Monday night to wear Tuesday – I’m not even kidding. If you recognize the color, that’s because I accidentally ordered too much of the purple bamboo rayon for my Panama Tee Dress (see previous roundup). Turns out I had enough for this lovely top, so it was a happy accident, indeed.
May 17 – My favorite Moneta Dress (pattern from Colette Patterns). I made this dress to wear at Emily’s second birthday party, and it has proven one of the most versatile pieces in my wardrobe. I can wear it plain, belted with a million different belt options, with whatever shoes and jewelry I want. I can wear a cardigan, blazer, or sweater over it. I can wear tights under it. It’s seriously amazing. I highly recommend black and white stripes for a wardrobe staple.
May 18 – I’m in my Veronika Skirt (FREE pattern from Megan Nielsen) and my Metro T-Shirt (pattern by Oliver + S). Emily is in her monkey Recess Raglan (pattern by See Kate Sew, fabric from Sprout Patterns). She loves that shirt!
May 19 – It was a cold last day for the senior class of 2017, so I’m in my She Persisted Featherweight Cardigan again. (See previous roundup for details.) Tim and I are both book nerding to the extreme in shirts from Out of Print Clothing, too. Couples who nerd together, stay together.
May 20 – Another Featherweight Cardigan! This was my first one, and I learned a lot from making it. I learned that I do not like my cardigans fitted, cropped, nor with elbow-length sleeves. But, I love the color and the yarn from The Lemonade Shop is so soft and pretty, I like to pair it with longer tops and wear it anyway. You may be starting to notice my obsession with purple. I like purple almost as much as I like navy.
May 21 – Emily and I are looking adorable again. I’m in my Rosa Top, and she’s in her Rosie Top – the mini version of my top from See Kate Sew. She’s also in some self-drafted capri leggings that I made from some leftover floral fabric from a dress I made this weekend, which you will see next week! Hang on… I don’t think you can quite see exactly how adorable we are…
Awwwwww! <3