#MeMadeMay2017 – Week 2
Well, week 2 of this challenge got a little more difficult. I repeated things more (but, to be fair, I do that with my ready-to-wear clothes, too, when I know I’m not going to see the same people…) and, as the weather started to warm up, I started to realize that the only warm-weather clothes I’ve made are one t-shirt and some dresses and skirts. So I used that as an excuse to order some fabric to fill out some holes. Hopefully, the fabric arrives so I can hurry up and make some easy things before the weather is in the 80’s this entire week!
May 8 – I’m in my Panama Tee Dress and Lodestar Shawl again, along with my necklace from Mata Traders and my bracelets from High Point Supply Co. Emily is in a super cute shirt I made for her. You can’t really see from this picture, but it has monkeys and bananas on it. The pattern is the Recess Raglan from See Kate Sew, but I bought it through Sprout Patterns, which is so cool. They print the pattern on the fabric for you, and you get to choose the designs you want. It probably cut the cutting process in half, which I’m a huge fan of. Here’s a better shot of the shirt. You may also notice that she has matching banana Toms shoes. What can I say – girl loves her some bananas.
May 9 – Here is my finished She Persisted cardigan! I’m grateful it was cold enough at least one day for me to wear it. The pattern is the Featherweight Cardigan by Hannah Fettig, and the yarn is called She Persisted from Knitted Wit. 10% of the sale of this yarn went to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is pretty amazing. For you knitters out there, I did make some modifications, which are noted on my Ravelry project page. The t-shirt is also made by me. It’s the Metro T-Shirt by Oliver + S. This is literally the best fitting t-shirt I’ve ever owned, and I didn’t even make any adjustments to the pattern. I’ve ordered fabric to make more because I love it so much.
May 10 – This isn’t made by me, but I did refashion it. It was a maxi dress, but it hit just above my ankle, which was weird. So I shortened it and now it is one of my favorite dresses ever.
May 11 – Here I am in my Mandy Boat Neck tee, which is a free pattern from Tessuti Fabrics. It’s a one-size-fits-most pattern, which I was leery of, but I made it in a super flowy knit and I really love the loose feel. And, by now, you’re familiar with my necklace and bracelets.
May 12 – Showing off my feminism, school spirit (the t-shirt was a fundraiser for Fearless Females), and craftiness. This is my Boothbay Cardigan, also by Hannah Fettig. You may notice I love her sweater patterns. They are just so wearable, and so easy to knit.
May 13 – There’s no picture here, because I wasn’t wearing anything handmade. I started my couch-to-5K running program, and I did yoga at a brewery with a good friend from college, so I spent the day in athletic gear. I did get it secondhand from ThredUp, though!
May 14 – Mother’s Day! I’m wearing my Panama Tee Dress AGAIN. To be fair, though, I did actually make it for Mother’s Day, but I finished it early so I’ve worn it a bunch. My necklace, bracelet, and earrings here are a Mother’s Day gift from WAR Chest Boutique and are made by women in the USA who are running from sex traffickers. My mom’s necklace is the same as mine from Mata Traders, but it’s silver. Shopping with a purpose, FTW!