Social Media! I’m On It! Are You?
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this brief message.
This is just a friendly reminder that there are about a million ways (OK, maybe only 6) you can find updates from this site. Follow! Like! Subscribe!
- You can subscribe by email. Just fill out the form at the bottom of this page, or on the side of any post page.
- You can subscribe by RSS feed. (If you’re experiencing the void Google Reader left in our lives, might I suggest Feedly!) Click here for the feed, or find it on the bottom of this page or the sidebar of any post page.
- You can like me on Facebook. Click here, then click “Like.” Here, you’ll not only get updates when I post, but you’ll also get a bunch of other interesting and relevant links I want to share and talk about, but don’t always have time to write a post about.
- You can follow me on Twitter. Click here for my Twitter feed. There, you’ll find updates when I post, links similar to the ones you’ll find on Facebook, and random 140-character musings on other things.
- You can follow me on Instagram. Click here for my Instagram feed. There, you’ll find mostly pictures of my dogs, crafts, and #365feministselfies. It’s a private feed, though, so don’t be offended if it takes me a while to get around to adding you.
- If you’re on LinkedIn, you can connect with me there, too. Click here to find me on LinkedIn. I’m not super active on there, but connections are always good for everyone!
See you around the internets!