Dystopian Novels Teens Love Post-Hunger Games (Care2.com)
I’m over at Care2.com today talking about 7 classic dystopian novels that are great to recommend (or teach!) to teens after they’ve read The Hunger Games. This is particularly important now that the first video is out on DVD. Even if teenagers loved the movie and didn’t read the book, you can inspire them to read one of these!
Dystopian literature is so popular, especially right now, because of the anxiety of these times. We are facing a global recession, war, and a new tragedy every time we turn on the news. People turn to dystopian literature in these times because it calls to our attention the possibility of a different world, and makes us think about how much worse the world could actually be. Furthermore, each dystopian novel is equipped with its own Katniss — its own hero willing to risk everything to make the world a better place. For this reason, people with idealistic tendencies, and especially teenagers, love dystopian fiction because they still believe that the world can be improved.
Whatever your reason for loving dystopian literature, there is plenty of it to choose from. Some of the best authors in the world have written classic dystopian fiction for you and your teen to enjoy, and the following slideshow will give you some ideas for what to read after you’ve finished The Hunger Games.
Click through to see the slideshow and find some great ideas for your teenagers to read, whether you are a teacher, a parent, or both.
Image Credit: Nomadic Lass