Feminist Odyssey Blog Carnival Third Edition: Feminism & Education
Welcome to the third edition of the Feminist Odyssey Blog Carnival! I’m excited to be hosting this month, as the topic is something close to my heart – Feminism and Education! As a teacher, this is something I think about almost every day, and I am not alone. This month’s submissions were all fantastic, and bring up a lot of different issues about feminism and education that we need to be thinking about no matter what way we are related to the education process. Without further ado, here are this month’s awesome posts!
Teachers Teaching Feminism
Ileana Jiménez presents Teaching Feminism in High School: Moving from Theory to Action, posted at Feminist Teacher, saying, “This post was originally published at On the Issues. Ileana Jiménez is the founder and sole blogger at Feminist Teacher, Follow her on Twitter.” In this post, Ileana discusses connecting schools with feminist theory and action.
Ashley Lauren presents What Matters is How I Decide to See Every Day and I Earn My Summers Off, posted at Small Strokes, saying, “At the end of every summer, I write something about going back to school. This year, I am determined to remain positive. However, if I do complain about going back after a long, relaxing summer, I’m entitled to do so.”
LeAnn Stokes presents I Assume You Can Do Anything, posted at Standing at the Intersection, saying, “This blog displays what I love: teachable moments for both me and my students.” The post itself contains one of the post powerful statements about education I’ve ever read: “These were students who were told by their teachers that they would never ever be able to handle this type academia, and through feminism in their education they were able to redefine themselves as capable students and, for some, even as feminists.”
Emily Heroy presents Why Teaching May Put More Women Into Public Office posted at Bending Toward The Sun. In this quick hit, Emily questions whether or not good female teachers should be taken away from the classroom to join public office.
Terri Givens presents Teaching in a time of division, posted at Diverse Thoughts. As a college professor, Terri discusses how to create a safe space for opinions in the classroom by setting a good example. No easy task!
Students Speak Out
Emily Atwood presents How I Get My Education Fix Through Feminism, posted at Diary of an Accident Prone Feminist. Emily is currently a student, but has found a love of educating people about feminism.
Neelakantha presents Should Youth Join In Active Politics? posted at Business News This Week, saying, “Yes, youth should join active politics, to change the way, political system is functioning today, and to give a better future, to the coming generations.”
Education and the Media
Debbi Pless presents Act Like Peggy, Dress Like Joan. Don’t Be Betty. posted at Kiss My Wonder Woman!, saying, “As I am working on my grad degree to eventually teach media analysis, this is something I think about. How do you teach feminism with media when media is so often the problem?”
Carrie Nelson presents Sight, sound, and a push for feminist film education, posted at Don’t Be Afraid to Open Your Eyes. This post adeptly combines three of the most important aspects of our society: feminism, education, and movies, and shows us just how important all three are.
Education from Society
Hila Shachar presents On Feminism: Being “Nice” and On Feminism: Brave New World?, posted at le projet d’amour. These two posts discuss how, as women, we are taught to be nice and buy things, respectively, and how we should fight against that type of education.
Angel Garden presents Bullying Comparitors – thanks very much!, posted at archangel’s. In this post, Angel discusses how her daughter was bullied, and what the school is (or isn’t) doing about it.
Avital Norman Nathman presents Our Reality, posted at The Mamafesto. Here, Avital talks about a project she is working on with Carrie Nelson about teen pregnancy and giving teen mothers a voice.
CharmingElements.com presents Women’s Struggle – Charming Elements.com posted at Charmingelements.com, saying, “Women’s Struggle With Old Cultural Beliefs.” This post discusses old cultural beliefs and how women can resist them by getting a good education.
Class Dismissed
That’s all, folks! Thanks for joining us for this awesome third edition of the Feminist Odyssey Blog Carnival! Look for information about next month’s carnival, hosted by Danielle at from two to one on the topic of Faith and Feminism. Start writing your posts now, and look for information on how to submit them here.
Looking for even more about feminism and education? Check out my series at Care2: Teaching Feminism.