Monthly Review: July 2012
It’s time for July’s Monthly Review! Here’s where I share my favorite pieces I’ve written, my favorites from the internets, and where you can promote your own! Enjoy!
Top 5 From Care2 Causes
These are my top 5 favorite articles I wrote at Care2 Causes. To see all of my articles, go here.
This month, I started a series for Care2 called Teaching Feminism. I write about all sorts of great stuff when it comes to feminism in the classroom, but here are my favorites from this month’s posts:
Teaching Feminism: Why Should We? – Teaching feminism is about so much more than teaching a unit about famous feminists. It’s about teaching respect for everyone, regardless of gender.
Girls Suffer More from Math Anxiety – A new study shows that, if a boy and a girl suffer from math anxiety, the girl’s performance will drop more than the boy’s.
Political Views of Fiction Authors Matter – When you are giving students books, you need to consider how the political viewpoints of the authors will affect them.
Single-Sex Classrooms Encourage Gender Stereotyping – Single-sex classrooms encourage both teachers and students to stereotype students based on gender.
Teaching Feminism When You’e Not a Feminist – Teaching feminism is important, and even if you don’t consider yourself a feminist, there are things you can do to ensure equality in the classroom.
Elsewhere I’ve Been
These are articles I’ve published other places.
As an added bonus this month, my essay, It’s My Life, I Guess, appeared as part of the Last Name Project on from two to one. The whole project is awesome, so check it out!
I also participated in Role/Reboot’s Real Roles interview series. The entire series is awesome, and it’s an honor to be a part of it!
Top 5 Roundup
These are my 5 favorite articles from other people that I’ve read this month.
Feminist Odyssey Blog Carnival: Second Edition – Women and Film – Don’t Be Afraid to Open Your Eyes
I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why. – Harvard Business Review
Biz Ladies: Making an I DON’T List – Design*Sponge
“We Need to Start a Movement” My Brother and I Talk about Middle School Bullying – Culturally Disoriented
What have you been writing this month?
Shameless self-promotion! Tell me what you’ve been writing this month in the comments, and include links!
NOTE: My comment moderation program might have spammed your comment if it contained more than two or three links, especially if you’v never commented before. Solutions: 1) Pick your top 2 posts. 2) Make a habit of commenting on posts here so the software identifies you as a real human being. 3) Email me and I can put the comment up for you.