Submit to the Feminist Odyssey Blog Carnival: Third Edition
As many of you may know, I’ve started a series over at Care2.com about Teaching Feminism. The topic has interested me pretty much since I started blogging, and for a long time before that. I do try to incorporate a lot of feminist thought into my classroom, if only to open my students’ eyes, and I try to teach a lot of literature by women, people of color, and people on various points of the LGBTQ spectrum. However, I’m also interested in how feminism can be incorporated between the lines of the curriculum. How can we, as teachers, be role models to our students in the name of gender justice? How can we move our classroom to be more fair to all students? How do students feel about teachers who are sexist, or who fight against sexism?
Since this is a topic that interests me greatly, and since this month’s blog carnival is going up at the end of August – just in time for back to school – this month’s theme is Feminism and Education.
I’m interested in posts about women at all levels of education, of course, but I’m also interested to read posts about issues with race, class, sexuality, disability, and whatever else you can think of in the classroom. I’d love to hear from teachers, students, parents, administrators, or even just silent observers. At some point, we’ve all had experiences with schooling, so I want to hear about them!
If you’re interested in the ground rules, check them out here. The deadline for submissions will be Wednesday, August 22 and the carnival will be posted Wednesday, August 29. You can submit your posts here or here. Happy blogging!