Monthly Review: June 2012
I don’t know if you all know this, but I’ve been doing quite a bit of writing elsewhere. Sometimes, I write things that might interest you, so I’ve decided to start doing a monthly round-up of my writing elsewhere, and I want to know what you’ve all been writing this month, too. Enjoy!
Top 5 From Care2 Causes
These are my top 5 favorite articles I wrote at Care2 Causes. To see all of my articles, go here.
Take Care of Yourselves, Activists – Activists aren’t taking care of themselves as well as they should in order to keep their activism sustainable.
The Ethics of Childbearing – There are many things to consider when deciding whether or not to have a child. Ethical considerations should be among those.
Can Women Have it All? – Can women truly ever balance life and career? Anne-Marie Slaughter says it’s not possible, and I weigh in on the debate.
Title IX Can’t Change Classroom Stigmas – Title IX turned 40 this month, but we still have a long way to go in fighting against the stigmas some classes still hold.
Should Teacher Standards Be Reexamined? – Teacher standards are disproportionately affecting people of color in Illinois, and they need to be reexamined.
Elsewhere I’ve Been
These are articles I’ve published other places.
As an added bonus this month, my essay, Babies Ruin Lives, appeared at The Good Women Project, and on my birthday no less! Don’t let the title deceive you. The essay tackles how I plan to “have it all,” including children. Maybe. Someday.
Top 5 Roundup
These are my 5 favorite articles from other people that I’ve read this month.
Boy Blogger: Media Images Get Into Boys’ Heads, Too – SPARK a Movement
What’s on Rory Gilmore’s Bookshelf? – BUST Magazine
Why an English Teacher Introduced Her Class to the World – The Atlantic
I Intervened on a Man Yelling at a Woman. Did I Do the Right Thing? – Role/Reboot
WATCH: The E.U.’s Breathtakingly Sexist Science Video – TIME Magazine
What have you been writing this month?
Shameless self-promotion! Tell me what you’ve been writing this month in the comments, and include links!
UPDATE: My comment moderation program might have spammed your comment if it contained more than two or three links, especially if you’v never commented before. Solutions: 1) Pick your top 2 posts. 2) Make a habit of commenting on posts here so the software identifies you as a real human being. 3) Email me and I can put the comment up for you.
I asked a question that has been nawing at me for some time now: Does Patriarchy Cause Violence Against Women? It’s a response to Rachel Held Evans’ recent post “Ask an Egalitarian.” http://www.fromtwotoone.com/2012/06/does-patriarchy-cause-violence-against.html
Submissions to The Last Name Project are still going strong. This month, Avital (The Mamafesto) and Erika gave their stories about what they did with their last names whe getting married. For more information on the project and how to submit your story, see here: http://www.fromtwotoone.com/p/last-name-project.html.
One of my absolutely favorite things I’ve written this month was the Transfeminism roundtable I moderated as part of the Femisphere series I have going on at Ms. Magazine. It was a lengthy discussion and I ended up splitting it into 3 different posts. You can find all of them under the “Femisphere” tag, but here is the 1st part: http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2012/06/04/the-femisphere-trans-feminist-bloggers-part-1/ It spurred a lot of reactions, some supportive, some extremely contentious, but I 100% stand behind the roundtable and am proud to have been able to share it with Ms. readers.
And in fun blogging, Andie from blue milk and I are blogging about True Blood this season. We’ve already blogged the 1st 4 episodes and can’t wait for more. There’s plenty of plot analysis and drooling over hot men (and women), but we also try to get in a little feminist processing now and then
This week on Kiss My Wonder Woman (http://kissmywonderwoman.blogspot.com), we talked about the community aspects of werewolves, the women of Amazing Spiderman, how Red Dawn is a terrible movie, and had a guest post about how Supernatural is a very girly show.
On my state’s Planned Parenthood Advocates blog, I wrote about the 20th anniversary of Planned Parenthood v. Casey and how my understanding of the concept of “undue burden” has changed.
I also wrote about ninth grade PE, sexual harassment, and a craptastic teacher in Hating Gym: Square Dancing Edition
And most recently, a Letter to Clothing Retailers on the math and frustrations on shopping for clothing while plus-sized.
I haven’t been writing as much lately as I’d like, but in honor of Pride, I reviewed Kissing Jessica Stein for Bitch Flicks. It’s probably one of my favorite romantic comedies of all time, even though it’s really flawed, so I had a lot to say about it!