Join the Fight Against Photoshop: The Keep it Real Challenge
I am so sad my Fearless Females aren’t meeting over the summer, because they would be all over this one. Miss Representation is hosting the Keep it Real Challenge, a three day social media onslaught that hopes to change the media’s perspective on using photoshopped images.
And do you know what’s really awesome about it? You can participate! Here’s the link to the Facebook event, but here’s how you can use social media to make a difference:
Day 1: Tweet it
Use #KeepitReal on Twitter to challenge magazines to drop photoshop.
Day 2: Blog It
Use your voice to tell the world why photoshop needs to go.
Day 3: Capture It
Take pictures of what real beauty means to you and post them with #KeepitRealChallenge for a chance to be featured on a billboard in NYC – the heart of the magazine industry!
You can download the Toolkit here: http://bit.ly/KeepItRealToolkit, which will give you access to great information and graphics for your blog or website.
Will you be joining in the fight for real beauty? I am! If you are, too, leave a comment and let me know. I’d love to compile a list of links to blogs posting about body image on Thursday.