Homeownership Agrees with Me
Finally, we’re back online.
It took a little while, and a ton of phone calls, but we finally have internet. Apparently, we chose a suburb that is widely recognized as “too far west” for many cable and internet companies. But, thanks to the lovely people at Comcast (I never thought I’d ever hear myself say that…), we’re back up and running. Which means I can get back to writing and blogging and working, which is very exciting (I never thought I’d ever hear myself say that, either…).
I’ve got some awesome posts lined up for you all, and I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things, but I did want to update you on some of the cool features of the new abode.
First and foremost, I have a library. This room was supposed to be a formal dining room, but as it is nowhere near the kitchen, nor do we need yet another eating area, we turned it into a library. You can see it pictured above, and it is fantastic. Easily my favorite room in the house.
You’ve already seen my Tiffany blue office. I’m sitting there right now, and it is highly enjoyable.
Other than that, we have a huge kitchen which opens into the living room, a fireplace, an outside fire pit, 1/3 of an acre of land with a fenced-in yard for the dog, 2.5 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, and a finished basement, yet it still feels cozy and wonderful.
I’ve posted here a lot about how I’ve been confused about what move to make next. We thought about moving to the city, then we thought about renting somewhere else for another year. The house is what scared me the most – it’s a huge commitment and a lot of debt. It’s basically saying to the world that we’re settling down and that we expect to be in the suburbs for the rest of our lives. And it says that we’ve chosen the family life over more adventurous options. Of course that isn’t necessarily true, and probably won’t be for us, but it can feel that way and put a lot of stress on you as you are deciding which path to take and what living arrangement you want.
But I have to say, I think homeownership agrees with me. During the school year, I was having a huge and totally out of the ordinary problem with acne, for example, and (knock on wood) I haven’t had one single breakout in two weeks. We closed on our house a week ago. Coincidence? Maybe. But yesterday, I was on the phone with an old friend of mine, and he remarked that I didn’t have that stressed-out pitch in my voice that he was used to hearing. I must admit, the problems that have arisen with this house have been almost fun to deal with so far. I know the big stuff is coming, but I’m having fun decorating and fixing things. I’m not stressed about it in the least. And just the fact that I have my very own space to be writing this post in makes me so incredibly happy.
I guess I just wanted to say that I’m really happy with the decision we made. I turned 28 yesterday, and instead of feeling old, I feel like my life is just beginning. Or, at least, Chapter 2.