Hyper Focused
I applied for a bunch of freelance copywriting jobs last night because I started getting a little jittery about the house buying expenses (not that a couple hundred extra bucks per month is really going to make a dent in that horrifying fear, but I suppose it’ll support my clothes-buying habit…) and some exciting things are panning out, I think. I spent most of my free time today working on other projects that seem to be hitting a dead end, which is really frustrating. I was going to spend the evening working on a blog post and another exciting project that isn’t dead-ending (yet), but I got into Ashley-is-obsessed mode and couldn’t stop poking around and obsessing over the first project.
Tim is at some school event tonight, and I was so excited to have him gone so I would have ample time to work and write. I even had a to do list set up for my evening. But no. I had to obsess and poke and prod. Typical Ashley.
Of course, all of this is happening after I took Penny for a nice, long walk right when I got home. We walked past a huge expanse of lawns that smelled of fertilizer. It truly smelled awful. And I almost instantly got a headache. Not to mention that I didn’t sleep very well all weekend for various reasons, and I certainly didn’t sleep very well last night, either, because we were up all through the storms with our scaredy cat… I mean dog.
But, I got back from the walk, changed into my PJs, poured a glass of wine, and tried to push through. I think the combination of my type A personality, the wine, and the headache have made me hyperfocused on absolutely nothing at all. And now I don’t even want to be thinking about this blog post, let alone looking at my bright computer screen.
So. I had made a goal of posting here at least 5 times a week after spring break. This post makes number 2, even if it totally sucks.
I hope you all are having a better Monday than me! Tell me about it, even if you aren’t.
My Monday was OK. Finished up a task at work, which moves all of the cards for this software release into the “ready for review” position. If that doesn’t mean anything to you, be glad.
I also rode my bicycle on my approximately nine mile circuit. And then I made a lasagne that is almost ready to come out of the oven, which is good because I am definitely ready to eat.
Sorry your Monday didn’t go so well! There’s always Tuesday.