You can take the girl out of the blog…
… but you can’t take the blog out of the girl.
After an hour of wandering around the apartment, checking Twitter and Google Reader and Tumblr and Facebook obsessively, whining about how bored I was, I looked at Tim and said: “I think I’m going to start blogging again.”
And he said: “Yes. You are. Please stop whining.”
So, here I am. Again.
You’ll notice I changed my theme (again), and removed the ads. I’ve discontinued my relationship with BlogHer ads in an effort to make this a stress-free (read: not monetized) writing environment. It’s helping already. I’ve also updated my blogroll, included a page of places I’ve been published, and linked to my professional site. I’m a writer AND a teacher. In the past month, I’ve worked on owning the writer part of that statement. Now, I’ve put all my writing information on here, so I’m excited about that. Finally, I’ve changed a few categories. I’ll be writing more with a focus on gender under the subheading of activism (because writing IS activism!) rather than about feminism. The difference is subtle, but the difference is there.
Hopefully some of you readers stuck around for the past month. Hopefully I can find some new readers, too.
I’m glad to be back!
YAY! Glad you’re back!
Glad to have you back! I’d been checking back every so often to see if you’d changed your mind.