Well. This shook me up this morning.
So, I’m driving to school today, and I’m on the highway, in the middle of three lanes. Some idiot next to me on the right is behind a truck, and he wants to get over, so he starts to inch over. I’m right next to him. Not in his blind spot. Not just far enough in front of him that he’ll scoot in just after I pass. Literally right next to him. He’s actually looking at me, so I know he sees me. I honk my horn, and he stays where he is, partly in my lane and partly behind the truck. I push the pedal to the metal and speed up to get away from this guy because it seems like he’s trying to kill me. He gets in the lane behind me, then when we’ve both passed the truck, he gets back in the right lane, pulls up right next to me, and stares at me out the window, smiling and waving. He stays like that for a good 30 seconds until I hit my breaks letting him get far enough ahead of me so I don’t have to look at him anymore.
I’ve had similar things happen before, but I’ve never had some guy get so close to my car I was pretty sure I’d get in an accident. What was he seriously thinking? He obviously saw me there, so it wasn’t a mistake. Did he think I’m just this little girl next to him, so if he pushed me over, I’d switch lanes and make room for him?
Honestly, I was a little freaked out and a lot disgusted. What a way to start a gloomy Wednesday.
Ugh, that stinks. Sorry that happened, it sounds scary.
You rock and I am always happy to see a new post from you! (trying to balance jerky guy w/ a little sunshine)
PS I am becoming a high school teacher next month!