… In With the New

Remember from a few days ago how we were getting ready to move out a bunch of our old, college-style furniture and replace it with new, grown-up furniture? Well, it’s done, and I could not be happier with our apartment. In fact, I’m almost happy about staying here for another year, and I even told Tim that if we bought at two-bedroom townhome, as long as our office looks like it does now, I’d be super happy with it. So, take a second to familiarize yourself with how our apartment used to look. Now, behold our matching furniture and functional rooms!

Let’s start with the office.

Here, you can see my desk and the new futon (those bright colored pillows have since been moved to the couch in the living room). You can also see the bookcase on the left. I absolutely love working here, surrounded by my books. And the SPACE! Not having a double bed in here has freed up so much room!!

Here’s another vantage point of the same area of the room.

And here is the other side of the room, complete with end table, book shelves, Tim’s desk, and bonus dog tail. Now on to the eating area.

HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THIS TABLE?! It has leaves that fold out to seat six, and we have folding chairs in the closet for just such an occasion. What I totally love about it is how much space it leaves us, and that it matches the bar and china cabinet! It’s so beautiful. This could easily be my favorite piece in our place.

Here’s the bar with our cool bar chairs. Unfortunately, those chairs are a little too short for our bar, but we decided to keep them anyway. They’re comfy and we don’t really sit there all that often. Plus, in 10 months, we’re going to move somewhere that has a real bar-height counter that isn’t so freaking tall.

And, without further ado, OUR GROWNUP COUCHES! Sofa, reclining armchair, and ottoman. Not only are they pretty and, you know, REAL FURNITURE, they are leather-like material and I won’t have to vacuum dog hair off of them! Horray!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of apartment makeover. I know y’all probably don’t really care, but it just makes me SO HAPPY! 😀

4 replies on “… In With the New”

  1. Having a space you love to be in make all the difference in the world. I’m trying to redo my sewing room for just that reason. I hate going into it, so I never use it. If I *liked* being in there, I could get so much more done. Also, I love your dining room table!

    • Ashley on

      Oh my gosh, so true, TMae. I used the office before, but I hated it. Now, I absolutely love it and you can’t pry me away!

  2. Looks AMAZING!!! You guys have great taste. Can’t wait to see it in person!! xoxo