I’m looking for guest posts!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted some guest posts on feminism and relationships – mostly because now all of my submissions are coming from people trying to advertise for free on my site. I miss your brilliant posts! So please submit them to me so I can read them and post them! Even if you’ve already written something and want to write something else or a follow-up or whatever, that’d be great!
You can interpret the term “relationships” as loosely as you want, but some ideas for posts might include topics on “Feminism and…”:
- Marriage (a broad topic here; could include name changes, household chores, the patriarchal connotations behind marriage… anything!)
- Family (your mothers and fathers, your children, your siblings, etc.)
- In-laws
- Same sex partnerships
- Interracial relationships
- Long-distance relationships
- Moving in together
- Moving somewhere new together
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend relationships
- Weddings
- Friendships
- Body image and relationships
- And the list goes on and on – anything you come up with, I’d love to hear it!
What are my guidelines? As you may know from previous calls for guest posts, my guidelines, like all good things in life, are flexible and open to interpretation. But in general, I’d say posts should be about 400-800 words in length and spell-checked/grammar-checked to the best of your ability. Hyperlinks are OK in bios and in posts. Just make sure I have a list of all URLs in case something is lost in translation, so to speak. Also, please keep in mind that I am a high school teacher, so I cannot publish curse words, sexually explicit language, or anything overtly political. If you think you have a topic that might fall into one of these categories, go ahead and e-mail me a pitch and we can totally figure something out.
Of course you can cross-post something to your blog, as well, or submit something you’ve already written on the topic, but I’d appreciate a link back here from your blog. Also, you don’t have to be a blogger to submit a post! If you just want to write something for me but don’t necessarily write on your own, that’s swell, too!
All posts or pitches can be submitted to samsanator (at) gmail (dot) com along with a brief bio and a link to your blog if you’ve got one.
I look forward to hearing from you!