Quick Hit: Another Tradition I Could Do Without
Did you know that the tradition of saving the top tier of the wedding cake for consumption one year later originated in the 19th century when people believed that, after a wedding, a christening wouldn’t be that far off, so they would justify having tiered cakes by saying they’d save the top tier for the christening of their first baby?
For real. It’s on the bottom of this page.
I’m so eating the top tier of my wedding cake tonight.
Oh, nice trivia! Btw, best wishes to you and Mr. Samsanator.
I came across your blog via GAB and was reading all about the days before and after the wedding. Nice to see such a fresh post! Your non-official wedding pics without the ‘Proof’ on them look very lovely. 
Thank you so much! Glad you’re enjoying the blog and pictures.
Whoa. I did not know that. We at our top layer through out our honeymoon – okay the first 3 days of it. A new tradition I highly recommend.