A Feminist Wife: 2 Weeks In
A while ago, after Tim and I first moved in together, I wrote this post, right around the time I decided I’d really like to restructure this blog and write about the things I care about and that affect me on a daily basis – namely, feminism and relationships. At the time, I really wanted to rename this blog A Feminist Wife, but I found a blog named that already (although many of the posts on there have nothing to do with being a feminist nor with being a wife…), and I didn’t really want to change my URL, so I ended up staying with Small Strokes and starting the series on feminism and relationships. Which has been awesome, by the way. Keep those guest posts coming!
Now that the wedding is over, though, I’ve decided that it might be a good idea to keep writing about feminism and relationships, but from the perspective of being a wife. There are a lot of feminist wives out there – I’ve been especially blessed to meet so many of you through this blog – but I don’t think there are a whole lot of people blogging about feminism and wifedom and how to balance the two. I also think such blogging will help those of you thinking about getting married but worried about losing a bit of yourself or not being able to remain a feminist while married. Here, then, I’ll be updating you about how I’m constantly trying to be a feminist wife, and how it really is possible to do.
Also, adding this series gave me an excuse to make cute sidebar banners to make the series easier to find for y’all (and the wedding posts, too!). Go ahead, take a look. They’re adorable!
So. Two weeks into marriage, I’ve been asked at least a dozen times: “How’s being married?” and I say the same thing every time: “It’s wonderful.” In the few weeks before the wedding, it was difficult for us not to become totally engrossed in it. We had meeting after meeting, and dinner party after dinner party. We weren’t sleeping well and we were nervous and Tim was really just trying to stay out of my way.
Now, though, it feels like Tim and I have found each other again. This feels like love and happiness and relaxation. Being with him now feels like when we first met. We’re talking and laughing and being philosophical again, and it’s just wonderful. We even had time to have breakfast on the patio the other day. At noon. Now that, friends, is the definition of love.
And we’ve only been asked when we’re having babies three times since the wedding! That’s got to be an all-time low.