Post-Wedding Reflection
I know you all are dying for a wedding recap from me, but the fact of the matter is I’m just not ready to do it yet. I know, I know. I can’t bask in the perfect-ness of my wedding forever. Honestly, though, I’m waiting for the professional pictures to come in so I can recreate the day for you (and for myself, a bit) with really, REALLY pretty images. Until then, though, here are some things I learned along the way:
1. The day really does go fast. No matter how much everyone tells you that the day will go by so fast and you should savor every moment, it still goes by really fast and leaves you with a nagging feeling the next day that you cannot even remember who you talked to or what happened. It goes by so fast, in fact, that it almost takes some convincing yourself that it really is over and that you really don’t have to plan for it anymore.
2. The details do really matter. You can make fun of bridezillas all you want, but we left no stone unturned and no plan planned without some backup, and it showed. Maybe I’m biased, but I really think it did make a difference that we were so careful to plan for so many things.
3. Drink water. Lots of it. And don’t be afraid to tell your photographers and bridesmaids and all those people to just leave you alone. Sometimes you need that alone time, and sometimes having everyone in your bridal party hover over you is not helpful to your nerves.
4. And it’s OK to be nervous! I kept trying to talk myself out of being nervous the whole day, but having everyone be there just to witness the biggest decision OF YOUR LIVES is pretty nerve-wracking. All of these feelings are part of the experience, and each should be allowed to run its course.
3. Allow yourself to come down a bit afterwards. Even if you don’t take a honeymoon, be sure to take a homeymoon. Allow yourself some time to just be newlyweds, and to just be free of meetings and to do lists. It’s important! And allow yourself to be sad that it’s all over. It was a big event, and even I – the queen of OMG-I-CANNOT-WAIT-FOR-THIS-TO-BE-OVER was a little sad looking at my dress in a big white poof on the couch and throwing my dead flowers away the weekend after. And, you know what, that’s OK. I was running on adrenaline and wine and chocolate for about three months, and no matter what, when you finish anything like that (even a master’s thesis), it’s OK to be a little sad when it’s over. (I was actually sad when my thesis was written, too.)
4. Enjoy each other again when it’s over. When you’re so stressed out about planning and details, you always know that you love that person no matter what, but you might not be feeling so much like yourselves. Take some time to remember who you were when you first met and how far you’ve come. You’ll be amazed at what you find.
Tim and I are now in the process of re-enjoying each other and re-finding our routines and the way we fit together. And that’s why I haven’t been blogging so much. But I’m looking forward to exploring feminism and marriage and love even further on this blog as we go. And I hope you’ll come along for the ride!
And now, I leave you with a few of the not-professional (but still awesome) pictures from the night. Enjoy!
And a final note: See that beautiful, curly, long hair? I cut it three days after the wedding. That may have been the second happiest day of my life.
Aww, congrats! You two look fantastic!
Awesome advice and of course, very lovely pictures. Congratulations!