Equality 101 is looking for writers! And so am I!
Hey lovely readers!
I know I haven’t been around much lately, and that’s because I’m getting married in, oh, 17 DAYS. And, you know, I’ve been a little busy with that. But don’t worry – I’ll be back full-force very soon. In fact, I may even be back at this blogging thing before the wedding is over… just as soon as I finish all of this grading that has been piling up on my desk for two weeks now!
Speaking of education… Equality 101 is looking for writers! If you’re interested in writing for a blog all about education, now is your chance! Apply today!
Equality 101’s mission is “to engage with difference and diversity in a meaningful and productive way. As lifelong educators and learners, we aim to inspire and support other teachers, students, administrators, and others involved in education at any level as they work toward a more equitable and open-minded world.” If this sounds like the kind of blog you’d like to participate in, you should totally apply. And I’m not biased because I’m the executive editor of Equality 101 at all. Nope. Not even a little bit.
If education is not your thing, please submit your guest posts on Feminism and Relationships or Feminism and _______! I’ve seen a recent dip in guest post submissions, and that makes me sad because all of you are such talented writers and thinkers and I’d love to share your voices here! So submit!
There. Even though you don’t have much to read from me lately, you can drown your sorrows in your writing and submit it to me. And then you’ll have more stuff to read! It’s a win-win situation all around.