Happy 2010!
- Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Hello there, everyone, and welcome to 2010! I’m excited for this upcoming year because I think there are some great things in store for me. For one, I’m getting married this year. Secondly, I’ll be finishing my master’s thesis, presenting it at a conference at San Diego State University, and I plan on blogging and becoming more active in this community.
2009 was an eventful year for me to say the least. I got engaged, started my master’s thesis, started this blog, got my very first paid writing job as a blogger for Witur, defined and redefined my feminism, and have started to explore many important things to me. I hope 2010 offers this much excitement without all the stress.
I know I’ve been neglecting this blog the past few weeks, and this is mostly because I’ve just needed a break from it all, but never fear! I’m refreshed and ready to go. In the coming months, you’ll be reading even more about my wedding plans, a few guest posts and a continuation of my own thoughts about body image, and some posts about teaching and feminism to say the least.
Thanks, readers, for sticking with me through my mini-hiatus. It feels good to be back!