Weekly Rundown: 8/15-8/21/2009
There is so much great stuff out there, I can’t possibly comment on all of it. I can, however, link it here for your enjoyment. Have you been reading or writing something interesting or important? Share a link in the comments!
Are you interested in participating in (or just reading/commenting on) an online feminist book club? (I know I am!) If so, comment here and let frau sally benz know! This is an awesome opportunity for online feminist collaboration!
Book Review AND Film Review of The Time Traveler’s Wife – Jump Off The Bridge
In this two-for-one special, frau sally benz tells us exactly what she thinks about the film and the book.
Hannah Montana: The Movie Review – Entertainment Realm
Just in case you didn’t get enough of Miley Cyrus at the Teen’s Choice Awards.
Friend count – Chloe Pink
The cutest cartoon ever! Be sure to check out Chloe’s adventures at this blog. She rocks!
I am Jane… still… and that’s okay – We Are the Real Deal
These bloggers do such a great job dealing with body image struggles. This is just another example of a powerful post from them.
Book Review: The Poetry of Iranian Women – Gender Across Borders
“The best way to understand a culture is to listen to what the people to whom it belongs have to say.”
The Undomestic Goddess In A Book! – The Undomestic Goddess
Well, this is exciting! Well done!
Making Fun of Your Baby on Facebook: A Game of Tag(s) – The Undomestic Goddess
On moms, babies, identity, and Facebook tagging.
The Carnival of Feminists is Back – Jump off the Bridge
Something all you feminist bloggers may be interested in.
Be a Smart Rider – Feminist Majority Foundation Choices Campus Blog
Something we should all keep in mind while in large, metro areas.
Trouble by Kate Christensen: A Book Review – Entertainment Realm
This sounds like a really great book! I’ll read it if I ever can find the time…
No One Can Be Perfect 100% of the Time – Adventures of a Young Feminist
It’s like I always say: Your entire life can’t be a cause…
Are Clothes More Important than Intellect – Adventures of a Young Feminist
On Michelle Obama’s shorts. A very well-written post.
The End of Anonymous Trolling – Feministing
Very thought-provoking and well-written. What does it mean when we have to come out from behind our anonymous internet presence? As with anything, there are pros and cons.
Tweeting Mad Men, and Living – Liza Donnelly
This is almost exactly how I felt after the season premier!
The Undomestic 10: frau sally benz – The Undomestic Goddess
Hey, she’s also in my Literacy in the Feminist Blogging Community Series! Cool!
Blinded by Privilege: abelist language in critical discourse – Deeply Problematic
This was a really wonderful post that got me thinking about the metaphors we use in every day academia, without even thinking.
To read all the “Weekly Rundown” entries, click here.
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