I swear, I’m coming back

Well, I said I was coming back, and then I posted nothing for a week.

I promise you, readers, I AM coming back. With a vengeance. Just as soon as our Internet starts working again.

Yes, in true Thanksgiving irony (I finally get a break, so the Internet must fail, yes?), we have had no Internet access for the last few days because our modem died. We’ve only had it for a year and a half, but it is dead. So we need to wait until the company (I’ll give you a hint: it starts with “C” and ends with “omcast.”) gets out here today to fix it.

Even though I am on my sweet, new iPhone 4s, I still hate blogging on my phone, so instead of a real post, I’ll give you a preview of what’s to come.

*Motherhood and careers – women can’t do it all, all of the time

*Overworking In general

*PhD programs and ambition – for myself

*The importance of doing what you love, even if you are not paid for it

*And much more

Stay tuned, kids. I’ve got all this and much more up my sleeve.

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