

March for Science – Chicago

I’m no scientist. I have scientist genes somewhere in there, and I find science fascinating; heck, I’ll even go out of my way to encourage young girls into STEM fields, but I’m a humanities girl through-and-through. However, science is not only vital; to me, it is inextricably linked with the search for (and consequent recent denial of) truth.

So I marched as a science ally, if you will. We packed up Emily, grabbed a parking spot on SpotHero, donned our Pussyhats, and went. Read more ›

No Resolutions for Me This Year

‘Tis the season of resolutions and promises to ourselves. Of one-word focused thoughts. Of gym memberships and diet plans. Of trying to be better versions of ourselves. At the moment, though, guilt is probably the most powerful motivator in my life because I feel intense guilt for not being more, or better, or focusing, or dieting. Read more ›

Ms. Magazine Blog: Women – And Men – Aren’t “Born” Teachers

Today, I’m on the Ms. Magazine blog with my piece about teachers as trained professionals! Here’s a taste: My husband also chose a career in teaching. When people ask us what we do, I answer that I am a high Read more ›