DIY: Turn Your Closet Into A Craft Nook
I told you a few days ago that I’d tell you all about my brand new craft nook, so here I am. My craft nook is seriously the coolest around. And the best part about it? It used to be… Read more ›
I told you a few days ago that I’d tell you all about my brand new craft nook, so here I am. My craft nook is seriously the coolest around. And the best part about it? It used to be… Read more ›
I’ve been a busy bee making a bunch of stuff this holiday season. I’ve decided to make all of the Christmas gifts we’re giving this year in an effort to boycott consumerism (more on that later – I don’t want… Read more ›
I am busy, busy, busy. Between writing for Care2 and trying to get some other writing done for a few other sites, I have just about used up all of my free time outside of school this week. Oh yea,… Read more ›
If you have a house, you probably have ants. No, let me correct that: If you live on the ground floor of anything, you probably have ants. And a whole manner of other bugs, for that matter. We have a… Read more ›
There are so many terms in our society that people don’t even think about before they say them. They’re colloquial, and their literal meanings are often very different than what the terms have come to mean. As a teacher, I… Read more ›
Finally, we’re back online. It took a little while, and a ton of phone calls, but we finally have internet. Apparently, we chose a suburb that is widely recognized as “too far west” for many cable and internet companies. But,… Read more ›
I’ve been neglecting you again, internets. I have so much to write, and yet I haven’t written anything at all for the past week. I mean, I guess it’s understandable, seeing as I’m going to be a homeowner as of… Read more ›
I’ve been thinking a lot about space, probably because I am getting ready to own some. I’ve also been listening to a lot of music, which only helps to foster my thinking. In particular, I’ve been listening to the band… Read more ›
We bought a house. Exciting, right? Yes, yes it is. Though it is also terrifying. Even though I had some reservations (And some more. And some more. And even more than that.) about buying a house in the suburbs, it… Read more ›
You absolutely must read this awesome post on Offbeat Home about how making your home is similar to writing. Making a home is writing. It combines what is already available, like a blank sheet of paper, with human creativity and… Read more ›
Since we’ve decided to buy a house in the suburbs… Wait. Did I mention that we actually decided this? If not, well, we did. We’ve been back and forth over the issue a lot, and since the economy seems to… Read more ›
Remember how I just told you all how busy I am right now and how I was starting to get things under control? Well, this weekend there was a fire in our apartment building. Everyone’s safe, and it wasn’t our… Read more ›
I’m on Offbeat Home today, talking about our decision to wait on buying a house. It’s something I’ve mused about on here before, but this post is pretty good, if I do say so myself. Our search began with… Read more ›
Remember from a few days ago how we were getting ready to move out a bunch of our old, college-style furniture and replace it with new, grown-up furniture? Well, it’s done, and I could not be happier with our apartment.… Read more ›
In true back-to-school frenzy, and as a sort of consolation prize for not moving to the city, Tim and I have decided to spend the money we would have spent breaking our lease and moving to buy new furniture and… Read more ›
I’ve been off the grid for a few days while Tim and I have worked on deciding what to do with the next year of our lives. As you can imagine, it’s been a daunting few days and lots of… Read more ›
Tim and I have spent a good deal of time over the past few days debating about what we want the next step in our lives to be. We’ve been looking at houses and town homes in the suburbs of… Read more ›