Tim and I laugh a lot, so I figured I’d start sharing some of our funnier moments on here (instead of tumblr) for your enjoyment: Me: I’m reading about meal planning and wondering when you’re gonna clean the kitchen. Tim:… Read more ›
My husband is a grown man. This may sound absurd, but it’s true. And I think the absurdity of the statement stems not from the fact that he is, in fact, a grown man, but from the fact that I… Read more ›
This is a guest post by the awesome Stephanie Farrell. You might remember her from this post previously. And now she’s back, being even more awesome.
Yay! The grass at our house had gotten way too long, and gone… Read more ›
An internet friend of mine recently introduced me to Stephanie’s blog, Practicing Parenting, and I am so glad she did. This blog is awesome. She’s a feminist parent, and a stay-at-home mom who teaches her kids about gender equality. How… Read more ›
Penny has fleas. Apparently, this is something that happens to dogs, and it really isn’t a big deal unless the fleas go undiscovered and vampire too much blood out of the dog, causing anemia. Yes, I just used vampire as… Read more ›
I am not a housewife. I have a job for 10 months out of the year. But for 9 weeks, I am, essentially, a housewife. Tim and I moved in together almost one year ago (July 1) and last summer,… Read more ›
I know, I know, I know. I’ve been absent from this site lately. But there are a few really good reasons for this, and I haven’t really been ready to write about any of it until just now. Honestly, blogging… Read more ›
I make more money than Tim. Not much more, but enough that it’s sometimes noticeable. Our checks are about the same amount each time we get them, but he gets paid twice a month and I get paid every two… Read more ›
Good Enough Is the New Perfect by Becky Beaupre Gillespie My rating: 3 of 5 stars I’m going to start this review with two important admissions: 1. I am not a mother. 2. I consciously decided not to finish the… Read more ›