

Discussing Censorship in the Classroom

We’re reading Anthem and Fahrenheit 451 in my College Prep and Honors classes respectively (all sophomores), and they all read The Hunger Games for their summer reading, and I’m using this infographic to discuss the modern implications of censorship and Read more ›

Guest Post: Educators’ Roles in Preventing Sexual Harassment in School

Today’s guest post comes from Mandy Van Deven.  Mandy is a progressive activist, co-author of Hey, Shorty!: A Guide to Combating Sexual Harassment and Violence in Schools and on the Streets and editor The Scholar & Feminist Online’s “Polyphonic Feminisms: Acting Read more ›

The Feminist Lens: The Hunger Games Trilogy

Image by GoodNCrazy via Flickr I’m sure by now you’ve all noticed I’ve been conspicuously absent these past few days (or maybe you’ve been busy enough with families and turkeys that my absence hasn’t really been noted).  I honestly haven’t Read more ›