Moving on Up

I’ve been neglecting you again, internets. I have so much to write, and yet I haven’t written anything at all for the past week. I mean, I guess it’s understandable, seeing as I’m going to be a homeowner as of Tuesday, and a week from today we are moving into said home. I’ve also been trying to get as much paid writing done as possible for obvious reasons. I mean, we’re about to drop some serious coin on property, let alone turning that property into somewhere we want to spend our time, so it’d be nice to have the extra cash. But, I’m also making good on my contractual obligations, which is important, as well.

Seriously, though? I’m a bit overwhelmed. And I’m also currently lacking a space to do any writing. Remember my awesome office that we re-designed last summer? The one I loved writing in so much because I was surrounded by books and bright colors?

Yea. Now it looks like this:

And that was even a few days ago, so if you can believe it, it’s gotten worse since then. Currently, I am sitting on the couch among even more boxes and packing supplies trying to write this post. I know I shouldn’t put so much stock into a space, but I do. I need the good vibes and writing mojo that comes from a clean house and organized space. I can’t even get my head wrapped around writing this post, which is really just me complaining about the mess our apartment is in. Which should be easy, considering it’s all I can think about lately.

I am SO EXCITED to be out of this apartment and into our new home. I think, at this point, it’s the anticipation that’s literally eating away at me. I’m trying to decide which wait was harder, this one or the one leading up to the wedding. I think it’s this one.

OK, internets. It’s time to sign off for at least a few hours so we can finish (ahem… start…) packing the kitchen and the bathrooms. If you need more of my packing woes, feel free to follow me on Twitter and/or Tumblr. I usually complain in short bursts on those venues. I’d love to have some interaction with you all over there to keep me motivated!

It’s amazing how much stuff you can acquire in a two-bedroom apartment in two years.

Wish us luck!


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