Quick Hit: Girl Talk: Compromising Positions

This is a great article by Jessica Wakeman about compromises in a relationship and what you do when you start to feel like you’ve compromised so much that you’ve completely lost yourself.

It is now I am realizing, though, I am the one who did most of the compromising to live the lifestyle he wanted.

I think I put too much stock into what our future would be when the present was making me unhappy. I actively compromised then because I believed that I would be rewarded for those compromises in the future. For example, we moved out of New York City together to a small apartment in New Jersey with a roommate — his best friend — who, for a variety of reasons, I didn’t like. We’d been thrilled to move in together, but in time, I felt pretty much trapped out there. For nearly two years we lived like this, even though the whole time I hated the apartment itself, how unclean we (specifically the roommate) allowed it to get, and how it was poorly decorated and cluttered with furniture. But I kept telling myself we’d have future apartments — a future house, even! — that I could truly make a “home.”

It’s a really great, honest article about what happens when a relationship goes bad, and about recovery and finding yourself again. You should definitely read the whole thing.

How about you? Have you ever gotten to a place in a relationship where you felt you couldn’t compromise anymore?

One reply on “Quick Hit: Girl Talk: Compromising Positions”

  1. Molly on

    I need to read this entire article. This was my life, three years ago.