Quick Hit: The Screwed-Up Ideas Underpinning Modern Marriage

Here’s an article that talks about how we’ve screwed up marriage because of who we look for to marry. Here’s a sample:

Yet our attitudes about whom we are supposed to marry has barely changed. We are still burdened with antiquated ideas about what men and women are supposed to look for and expect in a spouse. These traditional and deeply embedded ideas are on a collision course with the facts on the ground.  If straight women continue to seek men with superior education and earnings to “take care of them” (even in situations where, at least financially, women are perfectly able to take care of themselves) and if men continue to only be comfortable in the “superior” position, we can expect to see many more frustrated and lonely mate seekers.

I don’t agree with most of this, mostly because everyone I know has married for this little thing we call love, which may or may not be important in a marriage. Who knows.

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